By Yvette Eastman

face-readingEvery line and every trait in your face will give you messages. Look at yourself in the mirror to discover which areas need assistance.

Notice the superimposed image of a body drawn on the face. Look at the place where I have drawn the head. Now look at the picture of the man, on the right, and notice the lines on his forehead, just above the nose.

reading-the-face-reflexology-manI call these “number 11’s” and they tell me that this person’s mind is always going. This man is in his head all the time. Since he is constantly thinking, then he probably has trouble falling asleep, therefore missing many hours of healing sleep. People who lack sleep do not heal as swiftly and tend to have muscle pain in arms, legs, neck, back muscles and joints.

In sleeplessness, the adrenal glands assume there is stress, activating them and our fight-flight mechanism. Over-stimulated, they activate the tendon guard reflex in the calves of his legs (to run faster). Over time, this tightens the Achilles tendon, which pulls on the plantar fascia, the major muscle in the foot. The result: plantar fasciitis, exquisite foot pain.

Notice this fellow’s smile. On the Face Chart above, notice that some of the muscles that activate the smile correspond to the knees as well as jaw-joint concerns (TMJ). Along with asking about his jaw, I ask if he has any knee problems. Notice that if you draw a line from one knee to the other on the “face mirror”, the line goes through the low back and hips. So the pattern continues with jaw problems, possibly caused by gnashing, or grinding teeth at night, or by tightening the jaw and teeth, another complication of sleeplessness and stress. TMJ problems may reflect knee problems.

yvette-eastman-reflexology-teacher-of-adam-thomas-reading-the-faceLook at the nose and cheeks. Are they red? The Face chart points to lung or heart involvement.

Another visual cue deals with the lips. We are a tube from the mouth to the other end. A tube with a pretty face, but a tube no less! So, if the mouth is constricted, I suspect constriction at the other end. There may be constipation. Where the lip is very flaccid, I suspect other forms of colon problems, IBS, loose bowels. I do not diagnose or tell people what I observe. I ask questions and from the answers I receive, I now have a good idea of which reflexes I want to work with.


Gently press, stroke, tap or hold the points shown to affect different parts of the system. Reflexology normalizes body functions.


“When you work with someone, remember that they are a mirror for you. There is something to learn from them. Discovering their secret is revealing yours to yourself.”

Recommended reading on this topic

Any content included on this article is intended as a guide only and should not be used as an alternative to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else.