We just finished another foot chart for The Reflexology Visual Dictionary Series.

This chart explores the Chakra System.


Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”, or “disk”, and it refers to each of the seven energy centers of which our consciousness, our energy system, is composed.

The chakra system originated in India, more than four thousand years ago. Chakras were referred to in the ancient literature of the Vedas, the later Upanishads, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and most thoroughly in the sixteenth century by an lndian yogi in a text called the Sat-Chakra-Nirupana.‘ In the 1920s, chakras were brought to the West by Arthur Avalon with his book The Serpent Power. Today, they are a popular concept linking areas of the body and psyche  associated metaphysical realms. – from Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System As a Path to the Self

The Chakra System Reflexology Chart
